Guðný Rósa Ingimarsdóttir hefur frá upphafi byggt verk sín upp á endurtekningu, ákveðnum persónulegum takti sem hefur verið vísun í minningar um gjörninga framkvæmda í einveru á vinnustofu listakonunnar – eins konar fryst augnablik. Þessi taktur hafði fyrst form lykkja og saumspora í þrívíðum textílverkum eða endurtekinna snertingar tóna og þagnar í myndbands- og hljóðverkum.

Frá árinu 2001 hafa teikningar og ýmsar skissur komið úr skúffum og hirslum og orðið að burðarás rannsókna Guðnýjar Rósu þó “objectid” sé aldrei langt undan. Ávallt er um að ræða minningu um augnablik, til dæmis um pappír sem opnar sig er vökvi er settur á horn, línur eru taldar (skrásettar) sem og tíminn með talnarunum, setning er sögð, eitt form nemur landsvæði með endurtekningunni einni. Guðný Rósa er safnari, geymir allar línur sem hún hefur dregið / alla texta / öll saumspor, veggfóður, próf úr barnaskólum, ljósmyndir, neikvæða rými horfinnar teikningar o.s.frv. Á meðan teikningar eru á vinnustofunni er stöðug hætta á að þeim verða breytt, þær krufnar, skorið í þær, fláðar eða drekkt undir fljótandi lagi dagsins.

Guðný Rósa er fædd í Reykjavik 1969. Hún stundaði nám ì Myndlistar- og handíðaskóla Íslands og lauk framhaldsnámi í L’Ensav La Cambre í Brussel og í HISK í Antwerpen í Belgíu. Guðný Rósa býr og starfar í Brussel.


Guðný Rósa Ingimarsdóttir’s works are often presented as installations where she mixes different mediums, such as sculpture, photography, sound, video, sewing, drawing, collage, and painting.

Water, in all aggregation states and its period of drying, have fascinated her in recent years. Along with various water dissolvable materials, fibre and the paper itself (its surface and inside) are increasingly becoming a dominant material in her art.

Ingimarsdóttir produces drawings and paintings with many layers, which she cuts, peels and carves – during or after its makingaiming to get closer to the essence. Every work has its own geometric structure and systemand flirts with the borders of abstraction. At first sight one can often not situate the work within figuration or abstraction. The work builds itself slowly – some works can take up to 20 years in their making – each line traced or erased (removed or not) has equal value – the things that stay are equal to the things gone.

In her art Ingimarsdóttir is showing a macro and micro version of the world, which stands for inner and outer sentiments. Pain, marvellment of the simplest things, acceptance and mechanism are some key words to describe feelings that lead her to creation. In her work Ingimarsdóttir is inspired by personal experiences and feelings, while at the same time she is showing universal emotions such as vulnerability and doubt.

Her works have been exhibited in solo and group shows in Iceland and in Europe. In 2008 Ingimarsdóttir had a solo show at the National Gallery of Iceland. In 2013, she received the Gudmunda S. Kristinsdóttir Art Fund grant. Founded by the artist Erró in 1997, the fund´s goal is to acknowledge and encourage female artists by annually awarding one female artist with a grant. The selection committee is composed of the directors of the Reykjavik Art Museum, the Akureyri Art Museum and the National Gallery of Iceland.

Guðný Rósa Ingimarsdóttir was born in 1969 in Reykjavik, Iceland. After her studies at The Icelandic College of Art and Crafts in Reykjavik in the early `90s, she studied at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Visuel de La Chambre in Brussels from à1994 to 1997, and finished her education at the HISK – Hoger Institute of Fine Arts in Antwerp from 2001 to 2004. Today, Ingimarsdóttir lives and works in Brussels but takes active part in the Icelandic art scene.