Fædd / Born 1969 in Reykjavik, Iceland

Býr og starfar í New York, USA / Lives and works in New York, USA


1994-1996        MFA, Listaháskólinn, NY, USA / MFA, School of Visual Arts, NY, USA
1989-1993        BFA, Myndlista- og handíðaskóli Íslands, Málaradeild / BFA, Icelandic College of Art and Crafts, Painting Department, Reykjavik, Iceland


2014     Tilfelli og ný Loðverk, Hverfisgallerí, Reykjavík / Nonsicles and New Fur-lings, Hverfisgallerí, Reykjavík, Iceland.
2012     Taugafold, Clocktower Gallery, NY, USA / Nervescape, The Clocktower Gallery, NY, USA
2012     Hégómaröskun, Charles Bank Gallery, NY, USA / Vanity Disorder, Charles Bank Gallery, NY, USA
2012     Listasafn Íslands, Reykjavík, Iceland / Art Museum Iceland, Reykajvik, Iceland
2011     Norrænu Vefnaðarverðlaunin, Boras Vefnaðarsafnið, Svíþjóð / The Nordic Textile Award, Boras Museum of Textile, Sweden
2011     Á gráu svæði, Hönnunarmars, Hönnunarsafn Íslands, Garðabæ / Gray Area, DesignMarch, Icelandic Museum of Design and Applied Arts, Garðabær, Iceland
2009     Brenna, Trolley Gallery, Lundúnum, Bretlandi / BURN, Trolley Gallery, London, UK
2009     Hégómaröskun, i8 Gallery, Reykjavík / Vanity Disorder, i8 Gallery, Reykjavik, Iceland
2005     Endurkoma loðna hugboðsins, Dandruff Space, Brooklyn, NY, USA / Return of the Hairy Hunch, Dandruff Space, Brooklyn, NY, USA
2003     Helgidómur hégóma míns II, ATM Gallery, NY, USA / Shrine of My Vanity, part II, ATM Gallery, NY, USA
2002     Helgidómur hégóma míns, Gallerí Hlemmur, Reykjavík / Shrine of My Vanity, Hlemmur Gallery, Reykjavik, Iceland


2014     Sumarsýning, Hverfisgallerí, Reykjavík / Summer Show, Hverfisgallerí , Reykjavik, Iceland
2013     Shine, Bomuldsfabriken Kunsthall, Arendal, Noregi / Shine, Bomuldsfabriken Kunsthall, Arendal Norway
2012     Hrekkjuvöku karnival, MoMA PS1, Long Island, NY, USA / Halloween Parade and Carnival, MoMA PS1, Long Island City, NY, USA
2012     Herferð, C24 Gallery, Chelsea, NY, USA / Campaign, C24 Gallery, Chelsea, NY, USA
2012     Inntak #4, VPL, NY, USA / Input #4, VPL, New York, USA
2012     Svipmyndir af kynslóð, The Hole Gallery, NY, USA / Portrait of a Generation, The Hole Gallery, NY, USA
2012     Nautn og notagildi, Listasafn Árnesinga, Hveragerði / Enjoyment and Utility, The Arnesinga Art Museum, Hveragerði, Iceland
2012     Afmælissýning Myndhöggvarafélagsins í Reykjavík, Reykjavík / The Reykjavik Association of Sculptors Anniversary Show, Reykjavik, Iceland
2011     Performa, Abrons Art Center, NY, USA (sam,starf við Ragnar Kjartansson) / Performa, NY, USA (collaboration with Ragnar Kjartansson for his performance Bliss), Abrons Art Center, NY, USA
2011     Looking Back to Find our Future, sýningarstjóri Norræni tískutvíæringsins 2011, Norræna húsið í Reykjavík & Norræna safnið í WA, USA /  Looking Back to Find our Future, Curator of the Nordic Fashion Biennial, 2011, Nordic House, Reykjavik, Iceland & Nordic Heritage Museum WA, USA
2011     Ósamhverf hárgreiðsla fyrir stiga, Chiles Matar Gallery, NY, USA / Asymmetrical Hairdo for a Staircase, Chiles Matar Gallery,NY, USA
2010     Safnorð, Faggionato Gallerí, Lundúnum, Bretlandi / Collective Noun, Faggionato Fine Art, London, UK
2010     Bowerystígur, Charles Bank Gallery, NY, USA / Bowery Lane, Charles Bank Gallery, NY, USA
2010     Postermat,The Hole Gallery, NY, USA / Postermat, The Hole Gallery, NY, USA
2010     Liverpool Tvíæringurinn, City States, Samtímamenningarmiðstöðin, Liverpool, Bretlandi / The Liverpool Biennial, City States, Contemporary Urban Center, Liverpool, UK
2010     Dulnefni,The Invisible Dog Gallery, Brooklyn, NY, USA / Pseudonym Project,The Invisible Dog Gallery, Brooklyn, NY, USA
2010     Kúlufleki, Dorsch Gallery, Miami, FL, USA / Bubble Raft, Dorsch Gallery, Miami, FL, USA
2010     Kerling, Gavin Brown Enterprise, NY, USA / Crone, Gavin Brown Enterprise, NY, USA
2010     Fléttað, Captial Listahátíðin, Vefnaðarsafnið, Washington D.C., USA / Interwoven, Captial Fringe Festival,The Textile Museum, Washington D.C., USA
2010     Brucennial 2010 : Mismenntun, NY, USA / The Brucennial 2010: Miseducation, NY, USA
2010     Annar hringur,Jen deNike Collaboration, Harlem, NY, USA/ Another Circle, Jen deNike Collaboration, Harlem, NY, USA
2010     Fagnaður, Alex Mylona Samtímalistasafnið, Aþenu, Grikklandi / Celebration,Museum Alex Mylona (Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art), Athens, Greece
2009     Í ólagi, Edlin Gallery, NY, USA / Out of Order, Edlin Gallery, NY, USA
2009     Teygð veröld, Rip Ions í Adjust Gallery, Miami, FL, USA / Squishy Universe, Rip Ions at Adjust Gallery, Miami, FL, USA.
2009     Yfir strikið,Listahátíð Alliance Francaise, Macys á 34. stræti, NY, USA / Crossing the line, Alliance Francaise Art Festival at Macy’s 34th street, NY, USA
2009     Evudætur, Listasafnið á Akureyri, Akureyri / Daughters of Eve,The Akureyri Art Museum, Akureyri, Iceland
2009     Hydra Stjarna, Artwalk-Hydra Skólaverkefni 10, Grikklandi / Hydra Star, Artwalk-Hydra School Project 10, Greece
2008     aimez vous avec ferveur, Nýlistasafnið, NY, USA (ásamt a.v.a.f.) / aimez vous avec ferveur, Museum of Modern Art, NY, USA (together with a.v.a.f.)
2008     Ekki þín sök, Luhring Augustine Gallery, NY, USA / It’s not your fault, Luhring Augustine Gallery, NY, USA
2008     Spleen: The Flowers of Evil Still Bloom, Cueto Projects, NY, USA / Spleen: The Flowers of Evil Still Bloom, Cueto Projects, NY, USA
2008     ME(N)TAL, Ileana Tounta Gallery, Aþenu, Grikklandi / ME(N)TAL, Ileana Tounta Gallery, Athens, Greece
2008     ID LAB, Listasafn Reykjavíkur, Reykjavík / ID LAB, Reykjavik Art Museum, Reykjavik, Iceland
2008     Art Whatever, Hydra School Project 9, Hydra, Grikklandi / Art Whatever, Hydra School Project 9, Hydra, Greece
2008     Písland I, A. J. Listasjóðurinn, Opatow, Pólandi / PÍsland I, A. J. Art Foundation, Opatow, Poland
2008     Absolutely Venomous Accurately Fallacious (Naturally Delicious), Deitch Projects LIC, Long Island, USA (ásamt a.v.a.f.) / Absolutely Venomous Accurately Fallacious (Naturally Delicious), Deitch
Projects LIC, Long Island City, USA (together with a.v.a.f.)
2008     Manuf(r)actured, SafnSamtímahandíðalistar, Portland, OR, USA / Manuf(r)actured,Museum of Contemporary Craft, Portland, OR, USA
2008     ABC með ást, Art Metropole, Tórontó, Kanada / ABC with Love,Art Metropole, Toronto, Canada
2008     Hár, húð og bein, The Kitchen, NY, USA (gjörningur og tónleikar ásamt Nico Muhly) / Hair, Skin and Bone, The Kitchen, NY, USA (music and art performance in collaboration with composer Nico Muhly)
2008    2008 Brucennial, NY, USA / The Brucennial 2008, NY, USA
2007     Lengsta flétta í heimi, gjörningur, Deitch Listaskrúðgangan, NY, USA / Siamese Rapunzels: The longest live human hair braid in the world, performance at the Deitch Art Parade, NY, USA
2007     Hamingjusamur, Tískutvíæringurinn í Arnhem, Hollandí / Happy, Mode Biennale Arnhem, Arnhem, The Netherlands
2007     Verðum okkar Egill íslendingur, gjörningur, Cueto Projects, NY, USA / Become our Egill of Iceland, performance, Cueto Projects, NY, USA
2007     Hún fæddist til að vera einhyrningurinn minn, Amy Smith-Stewart Gallery, NY, USA / She was born to be my Unicorn, Amy Smith-Stewart Gallery, NY, USA
2007     Mér finnst gaman að horfa, The Canal Chapter, NY, USA / I Like to Watch, The Canal Chapter, NY, USA
2007     Hinn fullkomni maður, White Columns, NY, USA / The Perfect Man Show, White Columns, NY, USA
2006     Innrásarmenn, Kling og Bang Gallerí á Sequences hátíðinni, Reykjavík / Invasionistas, Kling & Bang Gallery in association with the Sequences Festival, Reykjavik, Iceland
2006     Pakkhús Postulanna, Listasafn Reykjavíkur, Reykjavík / Aposteles Clubhouse, Reykjavik Art Museum, Reykjavik, Iceland
2006     Kamp K48, John Connelly Presents, NY, USA / Kamp K48, John Connelly Presents, NY, USA
2005     Volcana – Íslensk panorama, Plug In Samtímalistagallerí, Winnipeg, Kanada / Volcana – Icelandic Panorama, Plug In Institute of Contemporary Art, Winnipeg, Canada
2005     Kamp K48, Yerba Buena Menningarmiðstöð, San Francisco, CA, USA / Kamp K48, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, CA, USA
2005     Tívolí, Listasafn Árnesinga, Hveragerði / Amusement Park, Arnesinga Art Museum, Hveragerði, Iceland
2005     K-2005, Röda Sten, Gautaborg, Svíþjóð / K-2005, Röda Sten, Gothenburg, Sweden
2004     K48 Dýr, Agnes B Homme, NY, USA / K48 Animal, Agnes B Homme, NY, USA
2004     Dagskrá, Public, París, Frakklandi / Programme, Public, Paris, France 2004
2004     Textíl List 2004, Listasafn Reykjavíkur – Kjarvalsstaðir, Reykjavík / Textile Art 2004, Reykjavik Art Museum – Kjarvalsstaðir, Reykjavik, Iceland
2004     Pappírsverk, Southfirst Gallery, NY, USA / Works on Paper, Southfirst Gallery, NY, USA
2003     Woollenmaiden and friends, The Project, Dublín, Írland / Woollenmaiden and friends, The Project, Dublin, Ireland
2003     Í spilun – K48, D’Amelio Terras, NY, USA / Now Playing – K48, D’Amelio Terras, NY, USA
2003     Nýir tímar í íslenskri ljósmyndun, Listasafn Reykjavíkur – Kjarvalsstaðir, Reykjavík / New Times in Icelandic Photography, Reykjavík Art Museum – Kjarvalsstaðir, Reykjavik, Iceland
2003    Konur 2003  Billboard Project, Kaupmannahöfn, Danmörku / Women 2003, Billboard Project, Copenhagen Denmark
2002     Shoplifter Presents The European Touch of the Ghost Theater and The Knitted Aura, Gavin Brown Enterprise Gallery, NY, USA (together with Mark Leckey)
2002     East of Hollywood – Reaction shot, 210two Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, USA
2001     The Sheer Frost Orchestra, Whitney safnið, NY, USA (gjörningur eftir Marinu Rosenfeld) / The Sheer Frost Orchestra,   Whitney Museum, NY, USA (performance by Marina Rosenfeld)
2001     Þrír, Blank (space), NY, USA / Three, Blank (space), NY, USA
2001     Gather and Tell, Mexikóska Menningarhúsið, NY, USA / Gather and Tell, Mexican Cultural Institute, NY, USA
2000     Fullveldi, Gerðarsafn, Kópavogi / Independence, Kópavogur Museum (Gerðarsafn), Kópavogur, Iceland
2000     Posers, White Columns, NY, USA / Posers, White Columns, NY, USA
2000     Inventing Iceland, Articule Gallery, Montréal, Kanada / Inventing Iceland, Articule Gallery, Montréal, Canada


2012     Center for Icelandic Art, project grant
2011      Handhafi Prins Eugen Orðunnar frá Sænsku Krúnu og Konungi Svíþjóðar frá Konungi Svíþjóðar / Prince Eugen Medal, Award for artistic achievement from the Royal Crown and King of Sweden
2011     Nordic Textile Award, Stiftelsens Fokus, Boras, Sweden
2011     Menningarverðlaun Norræna húsins í NY, USA / Cultural Award from the American-Scandinavian Foundation in NY, USA
2010     Center for Icelandic Art, project grant
2010     Muggur Project grant
2009     Muggur Project grant
2008     Center for Icelandic Art, travel grant
2008     The Visual artists’ Stipend Fund of the Government of Iceland, Artist Salary Grant Award 2 years. Reykjavik, Iceland
2008     Swingspace 2 month Studio Program, LMCC, New York, USA
2007     The Visual artists’ Stipend Fund of the Government of Iceland, Artist Salary Grant Award 6 months Reykjavik, Iceland
2006     Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, LMCC Studio Program, New York, USA. (sept06-may07)
2004     Muggur Travel and Project grant
2003     Icelandic Ministry of Culture and Education, Travel grant
2002     Icelandic Ministry of Culture and Education, Travel grant
2001     Menningarverðlaun Norræna húsins í NY, USA / Cultural Award from the American-Scandinavian Foundation in NY, USA
2000     Icelandic Ministry of Culture and Education, Travel grant