Sigtryggur Bjarni Baldvinsson er fæddur á Akureyri árið 1966. Hann stundaði nám í Myndlistaskólanum á Akureyri, Myndlista- og handíðaskóla Íslands og lauk framhaldsnámi frá the École des Arts Decoratifs í Strassborg í Frakklandi.

Sigtryggur hefur í málverkum, ljósmyndum og vatnslita-myndum gert afmörkuðum náttúrufyrirbrigðum skil. Vatnsfletir hafa verið leiðandi stef í verkum hans, straumvatn og haffletir sem endurspegla hinar höfuðskepnurnar, ljós, loft og jörð og einstaka krafta náttúrunnar svo sem vind og þyngdarafl. Sigtryggur hefur einnig reynt að skýra og draga fram uppbyggingu eða niðurröðun hlutanna í heiminum meðal annars með myndum af blómabrekkum og laufskrúði trjáa. Spurningar, um erindi nútímamannsins út í ósnortna náttúru og ábyrgð mannsins gagnvart henni, marka nú vinnu listamannsins með vaxandi þunga.

Verk Sigtryggs hafa verið sýnd á einkasýningum og samsýningum á helstu söfnum hérlendis. Verk hans eru í eigu Listasafns Íslands, Listasafns Reykjavíkur, Listasafns Háskóla Íslands, Hæstaréttar, Landspítalans og Gerðarsafns ásamt ýmissa stofnana og einkaaðila.


Sigtryggur Bjarni Baldvinsson was born in Akureyri, Iceland in 1966. He studied at the Akureyri School of Visual Arts, the Icelandic College of Art and Crafts and the École des Arts Decoratifs in Strasbourg, France

His paintings, watercolours and photographic work reflect his engagement with specific natural phenomena. Water-based leitmotifs such as running water and oceanic surfaces are woven into his work, reflecting the elements of light, air and earth and nature’s unique powers such as wind and gravity. Baldvinsson has also tried to accentuate and emphasize the construction or organization of things in the world with his paintings of flower covered slopes and the foliage of trees.

With growing urgency, the artist’s work now reflects his concern with questions that relate to modern man’s relationship with, and responsibilities for, untouched nature.

Baldvinsson’s works have been exhibited in solo and group exhibitions in all the major museums in Iceland and his works are a part of the collections of for example The National Gallery of Iceland, The Art Collection of the University of Iceland, Reykjavik Art Museum, The High Court of Iceland, The National Hospital of Iceland, Kópavogur Art Museum and numerous private collections.